For consumers


For consumers


For consumers


Rewards SDK

Launch a rewards store

with simple SDK integration

Launch a rewards store with simple SDK integration

Unlock monetisation

Drive loyalty

Boost engagement

Unlock monetisation

Unlock monetisation

Drive loyalty

Boost engagement

Unlock monetisation

Powered by Hubble rewards catalogue in partnership with 500+ brands

Powered by Hubble rewards catalogue

in partnership with 500+ brands

Plug & play SDK

Plug & play SDK

Embed in any digital platform

Embed in any digital platform

Launch in 1 week

Launch in 1 week

Blazing fast execution

Blazing fast execution

Drive consumer loyalty

Drive consumer loyalty

With exclusive rewards

With exclusive rewards

Get in touch

Trusted & loved by


Rewards shared


Users benefitted

Trusted & loved by


Rewards shared


Users benefitted

Trusted & loved by


Rewards shared


Users benefitted

Plug in a ready to use
interface within your app

Plug in a ready to use
interface within your app



Easily integrate our SDK into your app, providing users with access to rewards from 500+ brands. It comes with a complete, ready-to-use interface with a best-in-class browsing & checkout experience.

Easily integrate our SDK into your app, providing users with access to rewards from 500+ brands. It comes with a complete, ready-to-use interface with a best-in-class browsing & checkout experience.

Try it out

Go live in



Go live in 1 week

Rewards available
from 500+ brands

Rewards available
from 500+ brands

Rewards available from 500+ brands

Delight your consumers with rewards from exclusive
brands that truly resonates with them.

Delight your consumers with rewards from exclusive brands that truly resonates with them.

Rewards from 20+ categories

Rewards from 20+ categories

Customize brand catalogue according your needs

Customize brand catalogue according your needs

Why integrate
SDK into your platform?

Why integrate
SDK into your platform?

Best-in-class UX

Best-in-class UX

Our SDK offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Tried and tested experience with 10L+ consumers

Our SDK offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Tried and tested experience with 10L+ consumers

Compatible with all tech stack

Compatible with all tech stack

Designed for smooth integration across all tech stack, ensuring easy set-up no matter your platform or system.

Designed for smooth integration across all tech stack, ensuring easy set-up no matter your platform or system.

Know your consumers

Know your consumers

Understand purchase behaviour & accelerate your growth with real time insights from us.

Understand purchase behaviour & accelerate your growth with real time insights from us.

We focus on ops,
you focus on your consumers

We focus on ops,
you focus on your


24/7 customer support

24/7 customer support

We’ll handle all queries & issues that your customers may face with a hassle free support. No operational burden at all.

We’ll handle all queries & issues that your customers may face with a hassle free support. No operational burden at all.

Fully secure

With deep fraud checks at place, we’ll handle all financial reconciliation & fraud prevention.

Employees & partners can get gift cards from the gifted set of

brands across multiple purchases.

Fully secure

With deep fraud checks at place, we’ll handle all financial reconciliation & fraud prevention.

Boost engagement & retention

Our UX-driven solution boosts user satisfaction, increasing loyalty and retention with personalized rewards.

Ideal for employee rewards, client appreciation, festival

celebrations, and more.

Boost engagement & retention

Our UX-driven solution boosts user satisfaction, increasing loyalty and retention with personalized rewards.

Uses cases

Uses cases

Unlock a new & exciting monetisation channel

Unlock a new & exciting monetisation channel

Integrate complete rewards store into your consumer app, & earn on every transaction

Integrate complete rewards store into your consumer app, & earn on every transaction

1% club

Enhance value of your internal currency (coins / rewards)

Enhance value of your internal currency (coins / rewards)

Drive your loyalty programs by unlocking exclusive rewards with your internal currency

Drive your loyalty programs by unlocking exclusive rewards with your internal currency

Drive engagement with exclusive offers & rewards

Expand your offering & increase your engagement with exclusive rewards

Drive engagement with exclusive offers & rewards

Expand your offering & increase your engagement with exclusive rewards

Ready to give your consumers
a rewarding experience?

Ready to give your consumers a rewarding experience?

Get in touch



What does the SDK do?

What does the SDK do?

What does the SDK do?

How long does it take to implement the SDK?

How long does it take to implement the SDK?

How long does it take to implement the SDK?

Is the SDK compatible with all platforms?

Is the SDK compatible with all platforms?

Is the SDK compatible with all platforms?

Can I customize the reward catalogue with the SDK?

Can I customize the reward catalogue with the SDK?

Can I customize the reward catalogue with the SDK?

© 2024 by Gullak Technologies Pvt Ltd

© 2024 by Gullak Technologies Pvt Ltd